Thursday, April 8, 2010

Project Topic

I've been telling myself that I wanted to do something possibly related to movies, music, or TV for my project while I'm in Japan. After a resent story I was told by our professor, I feel like I'm going to have to drop the music idea. If I could find some worthwhile source of information for either, then I feel like I would be able to make my final decision.

5 Things to do in Japan

As the departure date draws closer, I keep thinking about all of the things that I can't wait to do once I get to Japan. Unfortunately, I have to narrow it down to only 5 for this assignment, so here it goes:

1) Visit the Tokyo Dome

I've been told so many awesome things about the Tokyo Dome from a friend who's been there before. Lots of great restaurants, stunt shows happening every morning, and a whole lot more. Not to mention the main attraction: the stadium! I'd really like to go to a Japanese baseball game there, and see for myself if everything I've heard about Japanese baseball fans is true. If I can, I'd also like to try and catch a concert here, as well.

2) Go to a Japanese Arcade

I love arcades, I really do. I imagine just being able to walk into an arcade in Japan would be something of a dream come true. Even though I'm sure I'm gonna get my butt kicked in everything I try, I still want to have the experience of just playing video games in an arcade in Japan.

3) Visit a Shinto shrine

I'll admit that I know nothing about Shinto aside from what I've been taught in classes here, but I'm always up for a new learning experience outside of the classroom. Besides, I'll also be able to take in all of the great scenery surrounding the shrines at the same time.

4) See the Tokyo Tower

Whenever I see Tokyo on TV or in movies, I always see the Tokyo Tower pointing up towards the sky. I've always wanted to visit the place that I've seen smashed to the ground over and over by Godzilla and friends.

5) Eat dinner at a "Billy the Kid" steakhouse

I know it seems a little odd that I'd want to eat at a western-style restaurant after traveling all the way to Japan, but I've been told on multiple occasions that Japanese chefs make excellent steak, and I just happen to be a huge fan of steak.

Also, the man who owns this chain is one of my favorite Japanese actors, and he makes frequent appearances at his restaurants. His name is Tetsuo Kurata, and he's most famous for playing the Japanese TV superhero, Kamen Rider Black:

Obviously, there are many other things I want to do when I travel to Japan, but not only could I not fit all of them into this list, but one or two of them just may offend a certain professor. Only a little more than a month to go!